
An established Industrial Automation Company with offices in Pune and Chennai was struggling with its HR operations. As the number of employees had grown to more than 60, the lack of strategic HR practices was hampering their performance


Industrial automation is a key part of modern business. It is a technical field that needs a deep understanding of industrial processes, to design and deliver auto-mated processes. Being a completely technical leadership team, they had little un-derstanding of the human resource aspects of a growing business. As a well-established company, the organization had gradually grown to a size where the lack of HR procedures and regulations was becoming a hassle for day-to-day operations. Many challenges concerning Human Resource Manage-ment became more apparent as the company grew in size
The involvement of a knowledgeable consultant was necessary for four of the  areas of attention.


We undertook a methodical approach to address the client’s concerns.

The first step was to review their existing operations and understand the way they do things in the company. Based on these findings, we designed practices for various HR aspects like Hiring/Onboarding/Employee Engagement/PMS/Separation. We worked closely with the decision makers to handhold them for understanding HR Operations based on well-drafted policies and practices. We offered a long-term engagement plan to the company where we educated and conducted PMS (Performance Management Systems) for two years. We also trained internal resources to offload operation work, and onboarded reliable partners to fulfill all statutory compliances. To keep operations on track, it was necessary for all efforts to be measurable. For this, we designed KPIs for all roles within the organization and placed a review matrix to better visualize progress. This has helped to generate performance data at the company level.


With our intervention, the company could realize smooth HR operations and a streamlined employee communication process. The on-time execution of the em-ployee life cycle – hiring, onboarding, PMS and exit – greatly improved the employee experience and helped in boosting overall productivity

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