The client provides specialized consulting services to help clients bring products and technology to market. The company was driven by the board and had in-house specialists for all engineering disciplines. However, their team lacked an under-standing of the human resource aspects of a growing business. As a well-estab-lished company, with a global clientele, the lack of HR procedures and regulations was becoming a hassle for day-to-day operations. Many challenges concerning the lack of policies, processes, and people practices experience became more ap-parent and were also affecting overall organizational development.
We undertook a methodical approach to address the client’s concerns. The first step was to review their existing operations and understand the way they do things in the company. We helped them in hiring a Senior HR for an operational role. We conducted a de-tailed survey based on 6 pillars – Alignment to the big picture, empowerment, learn-ing & growth, HR policies, Rewards & Recognition & Relationships. The finding of our survey were shared with all stakeholders and line managers. They were also involved in designing policies, so that the new HR environment would be conducive to the specific needs of the company. To familiarize all employees with the new HR policies, we conducted workshops prior to policy implementation. The effectiveness of the implemented policies was also monitored by us with the help of various surveys and observations. One of our key contributions was an in-depth research on salaries for critical roles in the company and potential talent acquisition. We also helped in defining the organi-zational hierarchy and implemented a yearlong reward & recognition program.