
An established IT services and product development company was struggling with HR operations. The company was driven by technology and there was a gap in stra- tegic HR practices. As the number of employees had gradually grown to 60, the lack of organized HR processes was hampering their performance.


The client provides specialized IT services and product development services to help clients bring products and technology to market. Technocrats leading the company realised that a human resource expert was crucial to help them in strengthening the HR aspects of their growing business. As a well-established com- pany, with a global clientele, the gap in HR procedures and regulations was becom- ing a hassle for day-to-day operations. Many challenges concerning policies, pro- cesses, and people practices experience became more apparent and were also affecting overall organizational development.


We undertook a methodical approach to address the client’s concerns.

The first step was to review their existing operations and understand the way they do things in the company. We designed and implemented HR practices such as hiring, onboarding, and employer branding. We helped in establishing talent acquisition processes and created various sources of hiring. We helped to budget for the man- power projections, build an HR team, and trained and regularly checked perfor- mance. We Implemented a Rewards & Recognition program, employee engagement pro- grams, virtual interviews, and the Implementation of Application Tracking Systems (ATS) as effective tools for HR productivity. A designed calendar program for employ- er branding using employee experience (EVP) employee value proposition helped in improving employee engagement and enhancing employee experience.


With our intervention, the company established effective HR operations, addressing one of the key concerns for the client. The company was able to save significantly on recruitment costs of approximately ₹20 LPA for FY 20-21 & ₹16 LPA for FY 21-22. En- hanced employee engagement resulted in increased organic social media en- gagement through employee advocacy. This in turn created a positive impact on attracting the right talent.

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